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Assessing Information
Caledonia Charter Township Assessment Department is available by appointment only. The Assessment Department handles all assessment-related issues, land divisions, and combinations. Feel free to contact our office by leaving a voice mail or email. Both accounts are listed below and will be checked on a regular basis.
Since the Township does not have a full time staff for any department; for your convenience the Township has provided the public with FREE access to all assessing and tax information online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The assessing information will give you the building break down, sketches and land values. You will be able to search by address, owner's name, or parcel number. There is also a link to do a comparable search. If any further information is required please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
Caledonia Charter Township offers Assessing and Tax information online as a service to its citizens. All information is believed accurate but Caledonia Charter Township makes no guarantees (implied or otherwise) and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions.



** Click Here to View Online Property Information  **



Contact:  Sarah Payton, MAAO


Office: 989-720-3104


** Mail to address: **

       Caledonia Charter Township

       Attn: Assessing Dept.

       135 N. State Road, Owosso, MI 48867

       Corunna   MI   48817

2025 March Board of Review

Meeting location:                              March Board of Review Meeting Schedule:

Caledonia Charter Township Hall             Monday March 10th 9am-noon and 1pm to 4pm

135 N. State Rd.                                   Wednesday, March 12th 2pm-5pm and 6pm-9pm

Owosso  MI  48867



For Sewer information please contact the Utility Authority (989) 743-3181

For Water information please contact the City of Owosso (989) 725-0550

For Drain information please contact the County Drain office (989) 743-2398

Proposal A 1994

On March 15, 1994, the voters of the State of Michigan approved Proposal A which includes significant changes to section 3 of Article IX of the State Constitution.

The following language from proposal A will cause significant changes in property tax procedures starting with 1995 assessments:

For taxes levied in 1995 and each year thereafter, the legislature shall provide that the taxable value of each paroe1 of property adjusted for addition8 and losses, shall not increase each year by more than the increase in the immediately preceding year in the general price level, whichever is less until ownership of the parcel of property is as defined in section 33 of this article, or 5 percent, transferred. When ownership of the parcel of property is transferred as defined by law, the parcel shall be assessed at the applicable proportion of current true cash value.

Enrolled House Bill No. 5945 was signed by the Governor on December 29, 1994 and became Public Act No. 415 of 1994. Public (PA) No. 415 contains many significant changes the property Act regarding the implementation of Proposal A.

This bulletin will address those aspects of public Act (PA) No. 415 of 1994 which are of immediate concern to assessors and equalization directors for the 1995 assessment year. Other aspects will be addressed in future bulletins.